There are many ways that you can get started in LinkedIn groups. One strategy is to join several groups in order to gain as many contacts with similar interests as possible. Another is to simply join one, see how you like it, and then expand your groups from there. You are allowed to join a total of 50 groups, so you can always take your time to decide which of the groups will help you achieve your marketing goals.
Below are some benefits you can get from joining groups on LinkedIn:
● Finding members with similar experiences. This can include people who work or worked in the same company, or went to the same school as you.
● Expanding your knowledge of a company in which you are interested. If you’re thinking about working for or partnering with a particular company, you can find other employees to connect with.
● Connecting with members who are interested in the same activities. Nonprofit and charitable groups are in abundance. You can find like-minded members easily.
● Establishing yourself as an expert in your field: You can choose to take a leadership role in a group or make your feelings known about certain discussion topics.
● Understanding the trends in your industry: You can stay informed about important issues and developments.
● Determining who the industry leaders are: By virtue of their popularity and activities, you can learn from industry leaders who are active.
● Connecting with and participating in discussions: You can do a lot of consumer research in these groups if you take the time to read and listen.
● Finding partners for joint venture activities: If you’re looking for investors, you may want to extend your feelers out in the group without having to give away too much information.
● Discovering new clients: People who are impressed with your breadth of knowledge on a topic can seek you out for consultation.