The next thing that you are able to take a look at when it comes to your options in social media and network marketing is on Google. Google is going to utilize the power of SEO to help those who are searching for you, or searching for topics related to your business and what you sell, to actually find you.
Being able to do SEO on Google, and on a few other search engines, is going to be the best way for you to reach your customers where they are.
There are a lot of benefits of advertising and putting at least part of your marketing budget to Google. This is never more true than when you are a business just starting out. Think of it this way; there are more than 100 billion searches done on Google each month. And it is likely that some of those are going to be your potential customers. Doesn’t it make sense for you to make sure that your customers are able to find you when they do these searches?
When you take the time to go through the steps that are needed to create a good campaign on Google, it is going to help you learn an important part of the marketing process, if you haven’t done so already, and that is to determine who your ideal customer is, how to target them the best, and how to invest in the right steps to actually get these customers in the door (or to your website).
Marketing on Google is the first place you want to start. This is a way that you are able to directly advertise to those who are looking for your product and service.
Usually when they are doing a search on Google or another search engine, they are at least looking for quotes and ideas, but many times they are ready to make their purchase if they find what they want. This is the perfect time to get a hold of your customers. If you show up and are relevant to the search they were done, then you may be able to convert them into paying customers.
You can also work with a feature that is known as Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords). This is a method that marketers are able to use in order to reach out to their ideal customers and offer them your business as an answer to what they are looking for when they search online. This can be a good way to moderate your costs because there is no minimum ad buy on it. As a smaller business, this may be a good place to start because it can save your budget and help you get your business up and running.
Organic advertising on Google
The first thing that we need to look at is some of the organic ways that you are able to grow on Google. Setting up some of these are going to help you to do a lot better when it is time to bring in some of the paid services that you want to use with Google. Keep in mind with this one, you are going to be able to use a lot of the tools with Google for free. For example, you can look through different keywords with Google Ads or Google Keyword Planner in order to figure out which keywords will be able to help you set up your blogs and websites the proper manner.
When you are ready to work with organic reach on Google, you need to concentrate on your website, and maybe even consider a blog. You will be able to take a look at some of your products and figure out if there is a common string that you are able to stick with between all of the products. Then see if you are able to start a blog that will link back to your website.
You can then start to post a few well-done articles and blog posts on a regular basis to help you to reach your customers. For example, if you sell fitness equipment, you may want to write articles about the best time to workout, the different types of working out, the benefits of working out, proper nutrition, and more. These will help you to see the results that you want overall, and will make it easier to add in the right phrases and keywords to your website so that you can rank on SEO.
SEO is going to be more effective when you do some of the paid advertising options that are available through Google. But if you already have this set up well on your blog or website, and the works are done in the right manner (meaning that they are placed throughout nicely and the article is actually going to be valuable to the customer), then when you start to implement paid advertising with Google, things are really going to take off.